the following materials were developed and shared by CAES Extension, and reproduced here to present a consistent and unified message.

Georgia Avian Influenza Hotline

To report a case or ask questions, contact the avian influenza hotline at the Georgia Department of Agriculture by calling 770-766-6850 or visiting the avian influenza hotline website.

Federal Resources

Currently, avian influenza (flu) is not a threat to human health or food safety in Georgia.

Avian influenza poses risk to all poultry operations, from backyard flocks to the state’s $22.8 billion commercial industry. The key to preventing the spread of the disease is biosecurity. All bird owners should take measures to prevent the exposure of flocks to avian flu.

Image Courtesy of UGA Extension


Watch for the following symptoms in your flock:

  • Purple discoloration of wattles and combs
  • Swelling around the head and neck
  • Coughing
  • Nasal discharge
  • Lethargy
  • Sudden death without clinical signs
  • Purple discoloration of the legs
  • Watery or green diarrhea


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