In-hospital Services
Our large animal hospital’s emergency service is open 24/7 for evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of animals needing urgent or emergency care for illness or injury. Please call ahead so that we can be prepared for your arrival. A list of haulers is available upon request.
Our emergency team includes board-certified veterinarians, veterinary technicians, interns and residents who specialize in handling a wide-range of emergent situations including:
- Colic
- Diarrhea
- Reproductive emergencies such as dystocia, C-section and pregnancy toxemia
- Neonatal emergencies
- Lacerations and fractures
- Respiratory distress
- Urinary tract obstructions
- Cardiac emergencies
- Metabolic disturbances
On-the-farm Emergency Services
Please be aware that our on-the-farm emergency services are only available to those who live within 30 miles of our facility. Additionally, only current UGA Field Service clients can request on-the-farm emergency assistance outside of our normal business hours. All others will need to bring their animal(s) to our facility if they need urgent or emergent care.
Critical Care Services
Our hospital’s critical care service is also staffed 24/7 and is responsible for caring for animals in our large animal Intensive Care Unit (ICU). This may include those needing:
- 24-hour monitoring by trained technicians and veterinarians
- Intravenous fluid therapy
- Pain management
- Oxygen support for severe respiratory difficulty
- Intravenous medications
- Cardiac monitoring
- Intravenous or tube feedings for nutritional support
- In-stall hoists or sling for assistance with standing
- Stall-side oxygen
- Mare / foal stall dividers