Department of Population Health, Poultry Diagnostic and Research Center


  • American Association of Avian Pathologists (AAAP), 1994-present
  • US Animal Health Association (USAHA), 2005 – present
  • American Society of Microbiology (ASM), 2005 – present
  • American Society of Virology (ASV), 2005 – present

Teaching Experience

  • Postdoctoral Associate, Dept. Avian Medicine, University of Georgia 1993 -994
  • Postdoctoral Associate, Southeast Poultry Lab., USDA, Athens GA. 1994-1997
  • Assistant Professor, Dept. Avian Medicine, University of Georgia,          1997-2003
  • Associate Professor, Dept. of Population Health, University of Georgia, 2003-2010
  • Professor, Dept. of Population Health, University of Georgia, 2010 – present
  • Academic Home, Dept. of Population Health, University of Georgia 1997-present
  • Adjunct Dept. of Infectious Diseases, University of Georgia 2010-2015

Selected Publications

  • Krunkosky, M., M. García, G. Beltran1, S.M. Williams, D.J. Hurley, R. M. Gogal Jr. Ocular Exposure to Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus Alters Leukocyte Subsets in the Head-associated Lymphoid Tissues and Trachea of 6-week-old White Leghorn Chickens. Avian Pathology.49: 4, 404-417. 2020.
  • García, M. & S. Spatz. Chapter 5. Infectious laryngotracheitis. Diseases of Poultry D. Swayne, M. Boulianne, L. R. McDougald, V. Nair, C. M. Logue and D. L. Suarez. 14th Edition. Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ. 2019.
  • Maekawa, D., S. M. Riblet, L. Newman, R. Koopman, T. Barbosa & M. García. valuation of vaccination against infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) with recombinant herpesvirus of turkey (rHVT-LT) and chicken embryo origin (CEO) vaccines applied alone or in combination. Avian Pathology. 2019.
  • Beltrán, G., D. J. Hurley, R. M. Gogal Jr., S. Sharif, L. R Read, S. M. Williams, C. F. Jerry, D. A Maekawa, and M. García. Immune Responses in the Eye-Associated Lymphoid Tissues of Chickens after Ocular Inoculation with Vaccine and Virulent Strains of the Respiratory Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus (ILTV). Viruses 11 (77) 635, 2019.
  • Maekawa, A., G. Beltrán, S. M. Riblet, and M. García. Protection Efficacy of a Recombinant Herpesvirus of Turkey Vaccine Against Infectious laryngotracheitis virus administered In Ovo to broilers at three standardized doses. Avian Dis. 63: 351-358. 2019.
  • García, M. and G. Zavala. Commercial vaccines and vaccination strategies against infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT): What we have learned and knowledge gaps that remain. Avian Diseases. Avian Dis. 63:325-334. 2019.
  • Dunn, J. R., K. M. Dimitrov, P. J. Miller, M. García, A. Brown, A. Hartman. Evaluation of protective efficacy when combining HVT vector vaccines. Avian Diseases. 63:75-83. 2019.
  • Spatz, S. J., M. García, S. M. Riblet, T. A. Ross, J. D.Volkening, T. L. Taylor, T. Kim and C. L. Afonso. MinION sequencing to genotype US strains of Infectious laryngotracheitis virus. Feb 5:1-43. doi: 10.1080/03079457.2019.1579298. 2019
  • Palomino-Tapia, V. A., G. Zavala, S, Cheng, and M. García. Long term protection against a virulent field isolate of Infectious laryngotracheitis virus induced by inactivated, recombinant and modified live virus vaccines in commercial layers.14:1-12. doi: 10.1080/03079457.2019.1568389. 2019.

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