Histopathology - Congo red

Department of Population Health, PDRC Diagnostic Services and Teaching Laboratory, Poultry Diagnostic and Research Center

Test Code: HSCR

Species: Avian

Preferred Specimen

10% Formalin Fixed Tissue

Acceptable Specimen

10% Formalin Fixed Tissue, Paraffin embedded block

Collection Protocol

Not applicable; specimen is generated internally following examination of formalin fixed tissue




In-house Protocol

Test Days and Turnaround

Daily; 3 business days

Shipping Requirements

Ship at room temperature. Do not send on ice. International samples - Please refer to and include the appropriate international import permit found on our webpage.

Ship To Address

Attn: Diagnostic Lab
Poultry and Diagnostic Research Center (PDRC)
953 College Station Rd
Athens, Georgia, 30602

Contact Information

For any questions regarding prices, sample collection, testing, shipping requirements, and permits please call (706) 542-5657 or email [email protected]. Prices are subject to change without notice.

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