Two graduates from 1973, Dr. Esco Hall Jr. and Henry McKelvin

Making Opportunity from Adversity

In January 2021, the University of Georgia celebrated 60 years of desegregation. Two students took the first step to break down barriers and pave the way for those who followed. In 1969, Drs. Hall and McKelvin became the first black students at the College of Veterinary Medicine, opening doors for […]

Shoring Up The Species Barrier

“The University of Georgia is one of the leading research institutions in the world tackling zoonotic spillover,” said Justin Bahl, comparative geneticist and associate professor in the College of Public Health and College of Veterinary Medicine at UGA. “We are studying the human and environmental systems in which these zoonotic infections arise and identifying possible […]

Staying the Course in the Face of Chaos

It has been a little under a month since COVID-19 was first recognized as a pandemic by the World Health Organization. Around the world, people from all walks of life have been asked to adapt to a new lifestyle—one of constant change and social distancing. Despite the upheaval, the University […]

Rachel Baker

Lisa Norris

going beyond the expected