The minor in Biomedical Physiology enables students to further their knowledge and understanding of how living organisms function.

This minor offers a broad catalog of coursework, allowing students to customize their experience to pursue careers and specific interests in a variety of biomedical science-related fields, including human healthcare, veterinary medicine, and the life-science industries.

Requirements and Coursework

Program Requirements

The Minor in Biomedical Physiology requires a minimum of 16 credit hours. Students minoring in Biomedical Physiology must earn a grade of “C” (2.0) or better in minor-required courses.

Courses / Program of Study

A list of required courses for this minor is available at the UGA Bulletin.  Select Biomedical Physiology from the drop down.

*Courses listed in italics are not yet in the Bulletin for our program and must be entered into Degree Works by an academic advisor to have them count toward the degree.

The below listing is current as of 10/2022.

Required Courses (11-12 hours):

Choose one of the following introductory physiology courses (3-4 hours):

CBIO 2210-2210L, Anatomy and Physiology II (4 hours)
CBIO 3710, Principles of Physiology (3 hours)
EHSC 2100, Fundamentals of Physiology for Environmental Health Scientists (3 hours)
PMCY 3000 or PMCY 3000E, Human Physiology (4 hours)
POUL 4175, Avian Anatomy and Physiology (3 hours)
POUL 4200/6200-4200L/6200L, Avian Anatomy and Physiology (4 hours)
VPHY 3100 or VPHY 3100E, Elements of Physiology (3 hours)
VPHY 3107-3107D, Integrative Concepts in Physiology I (4 hours)
WILD 4400/6400, Wildlife Physiology and Nutrition (3 hours)

Take the following courses (complete a minimum of 5 hours):

Seminar Requirement:
VPHY 3101, Elements of Physiology Seminar (1 hour) or VPHY 3107-3107D

Lab Requirement:
VPHY 3107L, Integrative Concepts in Physiology Lab (1 hour) or CBIO 2200-2200L or CBIO 3710L

Second Physiology Course:
VPHY 3108, Integrative Concepts in Physiology II (3 hours)

Choose at least one course from the following for 3 hours minimum:
VPHY 3390, Herd Health Study Away (4 hours, Fall. This course satisfies the UGA Experiential Learning Requirement for BIPH majors)
VPHY 3995-3995L, Course-Based Research Experience Physiol (4 hours, Fall, Spring. This course satisfies the UGA Experiential Learning Requirement for BIPH majors)
VPHY 4050, Peer-Learning Assistant in Physiology (3 hours, Fall, Spring. This course satisfies the UGA Experiential Learning Requirement for BIPH majors)
VPHY 4200E/6200E, Physiologic Basis of Disease (3 hours, Summer); VPHY 4200/6200 offered variably.
VPHY 4300/6300, Endocrine Physiology (3 hours, Spring)
VPHY(POPH) 4330W/6630, Scientific Writing- Communication Across Audiences (3 hours, Fall)
VPHY 4400/6400, Principles Neurophysiology (3 hours, Fall)
VPHY 4401/6401, Advanced Neurophys and Neurological Disorders (3 hours, Spring)
VPHY 4500/6500, Integrative Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiol (3 hours, Fall)
VPHY 4600/6600, Physiological Toxicology (3 hours, Fall)
VPHY(KINS) 5690/7690 and VPHY(KINS) 5690L/7690L, Skeletal Muscle and Mitochondria Physiology and Lab (4 hours, Spring)
VPHY 4700/6700, Gastrointestinal Physiology (3 hours, Spring)
VPHY 4800/6800, Comparative Physiology (3 hours, Spring)
VPHY 4950, Special Topics in Biomedical Physiology (1-4 hours)

Electives (complete a minimum of 5 hours):
Choose 2 courses from the physiology-related courses below.

Note: A maximum of 4 research hours in the sciences, e.g., 4960R courses, can count toward the required Electives hours.

ADSC 3300, Animal Nutrition and Metabolism (3 hours)
ADSC 3400, Physiology of Reproduction in Domestic Animals (3 hours)
ADSC 3420, Physiology of Lactation in Farm Animals (3 hours)
ADSC(POUL) 4380/6380, Food Animal Growth and Development 3 hours)
ADSC 4390/6390-4390L/6390L, Equine Nutrition (3 hours)
ADSC 4410/6410-4410L/6410L, Applied Reproductive Management in Cattle and Swine (3 hours)
ADSC 4420, Engineering Living Organisms (3 hours)
ADSC 4430/6430-4430L/6430L, Equine Exercise Physiology (3 hours)
ADSC 4520/6520, Animal Cognition and Behavior (3 hours)
ANNU(ADSC) 4360/6360, Ruminant Nutrition (3 hours)
ANNU(ADSC)(POUL) 4370/6370, Monogastric Nutrition (3 hours)
BCMB 3100 or BCMB 3100E, Introductory Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (4 hours)
BCMB 3433, Biology for Medicine (4 hours)
BCMB 4010/6010, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I (4 hours)
BCMB(CHEM) 4110/6110, Physical Biochemistry (3 hours)
BCMB 4120/6120, Human Biochemistry and Disease (4 hours)
BCMB 4130, Human Biochemistry II (3 hours)
BCMB(ENTO)(BTEC) 4200/6200, Biotechnology (3 hours)
BIOL(WILD) 3700W, Animal Behavior (3 hours)
BIOL 4200W, Science and Health Writing (3 hours)
BIOL 4300W, Scientific Research Writing (3 hours)
BMSC 4500, Basic Medical Histology (3 hours)
BMSC 4997E, Pre-Veterinary/Pre-Medical Histology (3 hours)
BMSC 4998E/6998E, Principles Endocrine Physiology and Pharmacology (3 hours)
BMSC 4999E, Comparative Veterinary Anatomy for Pre-Veterinary Students (3 hours)
BTEC(BCMB)(PBIO) 4000L, Methods in Biotechnology (4 hours)
CBIO 3000-3000L, Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy (4 hours)
CBIO 3010-3010L, Functional Human Anatomy (4 hours)
CBIO 3050 or CBIO 3050E, Medical Histology (3 hours)
CBIO 3200L, Medical Anatomy (1-3 hours)
CBIO 3400, Cell Biology (4 hours)
CBIO 3600, Developmental Biology (4 hours)
CBIO 3710, Principles of Physiology (3 hours)
CBIO 3800, Neurobiology (4 hours)
CBIO(MIBO)(IDIS) 4100/6100-4100D/6100D, Immunology (4 hours)
CBIO 4500/6500, Medical Parasitology (3 hours)
CHEM 4120, Chemistry of Drug Design and Drug Action (3 hours)
ECOL 3820, Evolutionary Medicine (3 hours)
ECOL 4050/6050-4050L/6050L, Ichthyology (4 hours)
ECOL(BIOL) 4150/6150-4150L/6150L, Population Biology of Infectious Diseases (4 hours)
ECOL 4240-4240L, Physiological Ecology (4 hours)
ECOL 4775/6775-4775L/6775L, Ecol Develop Biol and Ecotox (4 hours)
EHSC 3060 or 3060E, Intro. to Environmental Health Science (3 hours)
EHSC 4490, Environmental Toxicology (3 hours)
EHSC 7100 or 7100E, Fundamentals of Environmental Health (3 hours)
ENGL 3860W, Science Writing for General Audiences (3 hours)
ENTO 3645 or ENTO 3650, Medical Entomology (3 hours)
ENTO 4000/6000-4000L/6000L, General Entomology (4 hours)
ENTO 4450/6450, Insect Behavior (3 hours)
FISH(ECOL)(MARS)(WILD) 4300, Environmental Biology of Fishes) (3 hours)
FISH 4500/6500 and FISH 4500L/6500L, Fish Physiology and Laboratory (4 hours)
GENE 3200-3200D or GENE 3200H, Genetics or Honors Genetics (4 hours)
GENE 4200/6200, Advanced Genetics (3 hours)
GENE(CBIO) 4310/6310, Genetic Approaches to Developmental Neuroscience (3 hours)
GENE 4500/6500, Human Genetics (3 hours)
GRNT 3100E, Early Life Influences on Aging (3 hours)
GRNT 3400E or GRNT 7400E, Cognition and the Aging Brain (3 hours)
GRNT 7600E, Pharmacology, Health, and Aging (3 hours)
IDIS 3100 or IDIS 3100H, People, Parasites, and Plagues (3 hours)
IDIS(POPH) 3110, Food Animal Infectious Diseases (3 hours)
IDIS(NUTR) 4200/6200, We Are What We Eat! How Your Gut Influences Your Overall Health (3 hours)
KINS 3115E, Structural Kinesiology (3 hours)
KINS 3450S, Wellness Practicum for People with Disabilities (1-3 hours)
KINS 3500-3500L, Personal Training (3 hours)
KINS 3600, Applied Biomechanics (3 hours)
KINS 3700 or KINS 3700E, Applied Exercise Physiology (3 hours)
KINS 4150/6150 Global Issues in Sports Medicine (3 hours)
KINS 4600/6600, Measurement and Surveillance of Physical Activity (3 hours)
KINS 4630/6630, Exercise Physiology (3 hours)
KINS 4680/6680, Integrative Cardiovascular Physiology (3 hours)
KINS 4690/6690-4690L/6690L, Neuromuscular Physiology (4 hours)
KINS 4750S/6750S, Service Learning in Kinesiology (1-3 hours)
KINS 4780/6780, Neural Control of Human Mvmt. & Skill Learning (3 hours)
KINS 5140/7140, Current Problems in Kinesiology (1-3 hours)
KINS 5690/7690, Skeletal Muscle & Mitochondria Physiology (3 hours)
LAMS 3000E, Foundations of Clinical Medicine I (1 hour)
LAMS 3010E, Foundations of Clinical Medicine II (1 hour)
LAMS 3020E, Foundations of Clinical Medicine III (1 hour)
MARS 3550, Life in Fluids (3 hours)
MIBO(POPH) 4220/6220 or MIBO(POPH) 4220S/6220S, Pathogenic Bacteriology (3 hours)
MIBO 4700/6700, Medical Mycology (3 hours)
NUTR 3100, Macronutrients and Energy Balance (3 hours)
NUTR 4050/6050, Optimal Nutrition for the Life Span (3 hours)
NUTR 4100/6100, Micronutrient Nutrition (3 hours)
NUTR(KINS) 4220/6220, Nutrition in Physical Activity, Exercise, Sport (3 hours)
NUTR 4530/6530, Medical Nutrition Therapy II (4 hours)
NUTR 4590/6590, Metabolism and Physiology of Energy Balance and Obesity (3 hours)
NUTR 4800/6800, Nutrition and Pharmacotherapy for Disease Management (3 hours)
PATH(PBIO)(ANTH) 3010, Fungi: Friends & Foes (3 hours)
PHIL 2200, Biomedical Ethics (3 hours)
PMCY 3000 or PMCY 3000E, Human Physiology (4 hours)
PMCY 3800, Introduction to Pharmacology (3 hours)
PMCY 4000, The War on Cancer (3 hours)
PMCY 4200/6200, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics (3 hours)
PMCY 4300/6300, Medicinal Chemistry (3 hours)
PMCY 4600/6600, Biological Therapeutics (3 hours)
PMCY 5050/7050, Abused Drugs (3 hours)
POUL 3000-3000L, Avian Surgical Techniques (4 hours)
POUL 3123, Avian Biology: Ecology, Physiology, and Behavior (3 hours)
POUL 3750, Integrated Animal Nutrition (4 hours)
POUL(BIOL) 4060/6060, Reproductive Endocrinology (3 hours)
POUL 4175, Avian Anatomy and Physiology (3 hours)
POUL 4200/6200-4200L/6200L, Avian Anatomy and Physiology (4 hours)
POUL 4300/6300, Nutritional Immunology in Health and Production (3 hours)
PSYC 3700 Schizophrenia (3 hours)
PSYC 4120, Sensation and Perception (3 hours)
PSYC 4130, Physiological and Comparative Psychology (3 hours)
PSYC 4140, Cognitive Neuroscience (3 hours)
PSYC 4150, Biological Foundations of Health Psychology (3 hours)
PSYC 5850, Psychopharmacology – Drugs and Behavior (3 hours)
VPAT 3100H, Intro to Disease (Honors) (3 hours)
VPAT 3200, Histology and Histopathology (3 hours)
VPAT 4000/6000, On the Origins of Disease (3 hours)
VPAT 4100, Common Diseases of Production Animals (3 hours)
VPHY 3100 or 3100E, Elements of Physiology (3 hours)
VPHY 3107-3017D, Integrative Concepts in Physiology I (4 hours)
VPHY 3990, Herd Health Study Away (4 hours)
VPHY 3995-3995L, Course-Based Research Exper Physiol (4 hours)
VPHY 4050, Peer-Learning Assistant in Physiology (3 hours)
VPHY 4200/6200E, Physiologic Basis of Disease (3 hours); VPHY 4200 not offered after Fall 2022
VPHY 4300/6300, Endocrine Physiology (3 hours)
VPHY 4330W/6330W, Scientific Writing- Communication Across Audiences (3 hours)
VPHY 4400/6400, Principles Neurophysiology (3 hours)
VPHY 4401/6401, Advanced Neurophys and Neurological Disorders (3 hours)
VPHY 4500/6500, Integrative Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiol (3 hours)
VPHY 4600/6600, Physiological Toxicology (3 hours)
VPHY 4700/6700, Gastrointestinal Physiology (3 hours)
VPHY 4800/6800, Comparative Physiology (3 hours)
VPHY 4950, Special Topics in Biomedical Physiology (1-4 hours)
VPHY(KINS) 5690/7690 and VPHY(KINS) 5690L/7690L, Skeletal Muscle and Mitochondria Physiology and Lab (4 hours)
WILD(ECOL) 4040/6040-4040L/6040L, Herpetology (4 hours)
WILD(ECOL) 4060/6060-4060L/6060L, Ornithology (4 hours)
WILD 4400/6400, Wildlife Physiology and Nutrition (3 hours)

We thank the Parents Leadership Council for their generous support of our students!

going beyond the expected