Updated-Defense: Leonor Sicalo Gianechini

CVM 2515 501 D. W. Brooks Drive, Athens, GA, United States

"Addressing anthelmintic resistance in parasitic nematodes by investigating the potential of a novel drug target and the dynamics of benzimidazole selection in a model parasitic nematode" Doctoral defense: Leonor Sicalo Gianechini Major professors: Andy Moorhead and Ray Kaplan Contact [email protected] for Zoom information.

Defense: Pedro Sanchez


"Enhancing Protective Immune Responses Elicited By Computationally Optimized Broadly Reactive Antigen (COBRA) Influenza Hemagglutinin and Neuraminidase Vaccines Using Novel Adjuvants" Doctoral defense: Pedro Sanchez Major professor: Ted Ross Contact [email protected] for Teams information.

Common Soft Tissue Surgical Techniques in Small Animal Practice

CVM Main Campus 501 DW Brooks Drive, Athens, GA

Please note that registration is limited to 50. 15.5 hours CE: 8 hours lecture; 7.5 hours lab Cost of course: $800 Participants should bring scrubs for the labs. Cancelation option (partial refund) for course attendance: 30 days prior Registration deadline: July 31, 2024, 11:59 p.m. Transportation from the Atlanta Airport […]

Seminar: James Voss

S175 Coverdell Center

This event is part of the department’s seminar series for graduate students. "CRISPR-modified B cells to cure HIV" Dr. James Voss is an institute investigator in the Department of Immunology and Microbiology at the Scripps Research Institute. He earned his PhD in Structural Virology from the University of Paris in […]

Seminar: Julie Moore

S175 Coverdell Center

This event is part of the department’s seminar series for graduate students. "Motherhood, malaria and the microbiome: a multifaceted view of protection and pathogenesis" Dr. Julie Moore is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Infectious Diseases & Immunology at the University of Florida’s College of Veterinary Medicine. She […]

Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle

The Classic Center 300 N Thomas St, Athens, GA, United States

The Applied Reproductive Strategies for Beef Cattle (ARSBC) meeting is coming to Georgia The ARSBC is considered the premier national event in beef cattle reproduction. The meeting is organized by the Beef Reproduction Task Force and has a long history of providing the latest information on the application of reproductive technologies […]

Cancelled-Seminar: Xiaorong Lin

S175 Coverdell Center

This event is part of the department’s seminar series for graduate students. Dr. Xiaorong Lin is the Gene E. Michaels Distinguished Professor in Medical Mycology and Graduate Coordinator for the University of Georgia’s Department of Microbiology in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences and has a courtesy faculty appointment […]

Seminar: David L. Suarez

S175 Coverdell Center

This event is part of the department’s seminar series for graduate students. "Molecular Diagnostics in Avian Medicine: Past and Future" Dr. David Suarez is a Research Leader at the US Department of Agriculture and Agricultural Research Services, Exotic and Emerging Avian Disease Research Unit. He earned his PhD in Veterinary […]

Seminar: Nadine Rouphael

S175 Coverdell Center

"Evaluation of Next Generation Respiratory Vaccines" This event is part of the department’s seminar series for graduate students. Dr. Nadine Rouphael is the Executive Director of the Hope Clinic at the Emory Center for AIDS Research and is the Sumner E. Thompson III Distinguished Professor of Vaccinology and Infectious Diseases […]

going beyond the expected