Viral sequencing

Department of Population Health, PDRC Diagnostic Services and Teaching Laboratory, Poultry Diagnostic and Research Center

Test Code: VRSQ

Species: Not Applicable

Preferred Specimen

PCR or Reverse transcriptase PCR product from diagnostic case submissions - Routine sequencing performed on select products for Reovirus, Adenovirus, Astrovirus, Infectious bronchitis virus, Infectious bursal disease virus

Acceptable Specimen

To be provided by molecular virology section at PDRC

Collection Protocol

Not Applicable




Sanger sequencing

Test Days and Turnaround

7 days

Shipping Requirements

Not Applicable

Ship To Address


Contact Information

For any questions regarding prices, sample collection, testing, shipping requirements, and permits please call (706) 542-5657 or email [email protected]. Prices are subject to change without notice.

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