Small Animal Medicine & Surgery, Neurology Service, Veterinary Teaching Hospital
Associate Professor

Educational Background

  • 2012 Neurology Intern, University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine
  • 2008-2011 Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Infectious Diseases, University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine
  • 2007-2008 Rotating Intern in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery, University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine
  • 2007 Doctor of Veterinay Medicine, Virginia Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine
  • 1998 Bachelor of Science, Saint Leo University

Teaching Experience

  • 2011 Instructor, Veterinary Immunology Laboratory, Department of Infectious Diseases, University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine
  • 2009-2010 Teaching Assistant, Veterinary Immunology Laboratory, Department of Infectious Diseases, University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine
  • 2008-2010 Mentor, Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunities, University of Georgia

Selected Publications

Schrauwen I and Barber RM (co-first authors), Schatzberg SJ, Siniard AL, Corneveaux JJ,
Porter BF, Vernau KM, Keesler RI, Matiasek K, Flegel T, Miller AD, Southard T, Mariani
CL, Johnson GC, Huentelman MJ. Identification of novel genetic risk loci in Maltese dogs
with necrotizing meningoencephalitis and evidence of a shared genetic risk across toy breeds.
PLoSOne. 2014 Nov;9(11):e112755.

Barber RM, Porter BF, Li Q, Greer KA, May M, Claiborne MK, Allison AB,
Howerth EW, Butler A, Wei S, Levine JM, Levine GJ, Brown DR, Schatzberg SJ. Broadly
reactive polymerase chain reaction for pathogen detection in canine granulomatous
meningoencephalomyelitis and necrotizing meningoencephalitis. Journal of Veterinary
Internal Medicine. 2012 Jul-Aug;26(4):962-8.

Barber RM, Schatzberg SJ, Corneveaux JJ, Allen AN, Porter BF, Pruzin JJ, Platt
SR, Kent M, Huentelman MJ. Identification of risk loci for necrotizing meningoencephalitis
in pug dogs. Journal of Heredity. 2011 Sep-Oct;102 Suppl 1:S40-6.
Renee M. Barber 3

Barber RM, Li Q, Diniz PP, Porter BF, Breitschwerdt EB, Claiborne MK,
Birkenheuer AJ, Levine JM, Levine GJ, Chandler K, Kenny P, Nghiem P, Wei S, Greene
CE, Kent M, Platt SR, Greer K, Schatzberg SJ. Evaluation of brain tissue or cerebrospinal
fluid with broadly reactive polymerase chain reaction for Ehrlichia, Anaplasma, spotted
fever group Rickettsia, Bartonella, and Borrelia species in canine neurological diseases (109
cases). Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 2010. Mar-Apr;24(2):372-8.

Schatzberg SJ, Li Q, Porter BF, Barber RM, Claiborne MK, Levine JM, Levine
GJ, Israel SK, Young BD, Kiupel M, Greene C, Ruone S, Anderson L, Tong S. Broadly
reactive pan-paramyxovirus reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and sequence
analysis for the detection of canine distemper virus in a case of canine meningoencephalitis
of unknown etiology. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. 2009 Nov;21(6):844-9.

Miller A, Barber R, Porter B, Peters R, Kent M, Platt S, Schatzberg S.
Degenerative myelopathy in 2 boxer dogs. Veterinary Pathology. 2009 Jul;46(4):684-7.

Huang Y, Keen JC, Hager E, Smith R, Hacker A, Frydman B, Valasinas AL,
Reddy VK, Marton LJ, Casero RA Jr, Davidson NE. Regulation of polyamine analogue
cytotoxicity by c-Jun in human MDA-MB-435 cancer cells. Molecular Cancer Research.
2004 Feb;2(2):81-8.

Devereux W, Wang Y, Stewart TM, Hacker A, Smith R, Frydman B, Valasinas
AL, Reddy VK, Marton LJ, Ward TD, Woster PM, Casero RA Jr. Induction of the
PAOh1/SMO polyamine oxidase by polyamine analogues in human lung carcinoma cells.
Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology. 2003 Nov;52(5):383-90.

Murray-Stewart T, Applegren NB, Devereux W, Hacker A, Smith R, Wang Y,
Casero RA Jr. Spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase (SSAT) Activity in human smallcell
lung carcinoma cells following transfection with a genomic SSAT construct.
Biochemical Journal. 2003 Jul 15;373(Pt 2):629-34.

Casero RA Jr, Wang Y, Stewart TM, Devereux W, Hacker A, Wang Y, Smith R,
Woster PM. The role of polyamine catabolism in anti-tumour drug response. Biochemical
Society Transactions. 2003 Apr;31(2):361-5. Review.

*Legal name change from Smith to Barber in 2004

going beyond the expected