Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study, Department of Population Health
Professor, Joint Faculty
Wildlife Diseases
Research Interests
I am interested in all aspects of wildlife disease, particularly how pathogens affect wildlife populations, communities and ecosystems, and primarily with an applied perspective. I have and will continue to conduct research that attempts to understand how anthropogenic changes to the landscape can affect disease dynamics. My research has and will encompass the intersection of human, animal and wildlife health. I aim to integrate ecological principle to inform the fields of conservation medicine and wildlife disease investigation.
Educational Background
- BA (1992), University of New Orleans
- DVM (1996), Louisiana State University
- Residency in Zoo/Wildlife Medicine, Cornell University (1998-2001)
- Diplomate, American College of Zoological Medicine (2002)
- PhD (2008), The University of Georgia
Teaching Experience
- Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources
- WILD 8990 Wildlife Disease Ecology: Investigation and Management
- FANR 2100 Internatinal Issues in Conservation
- Other Departments/Schools
- First Year Odyssey seminar
- Conservation Medicine Study Abroad Course in Costa Rica