Banner for the "Progress: UGA Precision One Health Symposium"Progress: UGA Precision One Health Symposium – Thursday, November 7, 2024

Join us at “Progress,” a Precision One Health (POH) Initiative Symposium dedicated to showcasing pivotal research conducted by UGA’s POH Initiative. The conference will feature research from colleges across campus, highlighting the collaborative discoveries made possible through interdisciplinary work.

Sessions will highlight research from each of the POH’s four cores: Translational Medicine, Systems Modeling and Data Analytics, Epidemiology and Disease Ecology, and Social Sciences and Medicine. In the afternoon, attendees will engage in breakout sessions within each core area to facilitate discussions about collective goals and milestones.

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About the Precision One Health Program

Precision One Health is committed to studying the intricate connections among genetics, the environment, and lifestyle factors and their effects on disease prevention and treatment. Our main goal is to develop personalized healthcare strategies that provide individuals with the most effective treatment options at the right time. Our mission is centered on personalized medicine, which includes risk assessment, exploration of significant biological mutations, vaccine and drug development, and selection of customized therapies based on molecular profiling.

To leverage our team’s collective expertise and increase our impact, our initiative is organized into four essential Research Cores: Translational Medicine, Systems Modeling and Data Analytics, Epidemiology and Disease Ecology, and Social Sciences and Medicine.

Our interdisciplinary team consists of members from several colleges, schools, centers, and laboratories, representing a wide range of disciplines such as Veterinary Medicine, Public Health, Pharmacy, Engineering, Arts and Sciences, Law, Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources, Journalism and Mass Communication.


POH Cycle and Pillars graphic for Precision One Health

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