The CVM Cytometry Core Facility was formed in 2009 as a shared-resource cytometry laboratory to support research and veterinary clinical efforts at UGA. We offer a diverse array of state-of-the-art instrumentation and provide in-depth consultations, assistance and advice with cytometric experiments and assays. We serve the entire UGA community as well as surrounding institutions, businesses, and governmental organizations.The CVM Cytometry Core’s mission is to provide direct support to UGA researchers, aid clinical diagnostics at the College of Veterinary Medicine, and to serve as a practical educational resource to all UGA members.
The CVM Cytometry Core Facility maintains state-of-the-art cytometric instrumentation for the use of the research and clinical communities including flow cytometer analyzers, flow cytometer cell sorters, confocal laser-scanning microscopy equipment, and bead-based multiplex technology. Our services include hands-on instruction, assistance with experimental design, data collection and analysis, grant and manuscript assistance, and sample processing for Luminex technology applications.