Inaugural Butler Lecture

UGA Center for Continuing Education and Hotel 1197 South Lumpkin Street, Athens, GA, United States

Inaugural College of Veterinary Medicine Butler Lecture University of Georgia Center for Continuing Education and Hotel, Masters Hall Heart of the Matter: Randomized Clinical Trials and Evidence-Based Cardiovascular Medicine Faiez Zannad Professor of Therapeutics and Cardiology University of Lorraine, FR Professor Faiez Zannad, MD, PhD, Cardiologist, Clinical Pharmacologist, Emeritus Professor […]

60th Annual Veterinary Conference & Alumni Weekend

UGA Center for Continuing Education and Hotel 1197 South Lumpkin Street, Athens, GA, United States

We look forward to welcoming you back to Athens this spring for the 60th Annual Veterinary Conference and Alumni Weekend set for March 8-9, 2024. Throughout the weekend, we will honor the remarkable achievements of our distinguished alumni award recipients, raise a toast to our alumni marking milestone reunion years […]

We’re UGA Vet Med, and our

passion powers our commitment.