Seminar: Lok Raj Joshi

S175 Coverdell Center

"Engineering viral vectors for vaccine and gene therapy applications" This event is part of the department’s seminar series for graduate students. Dr. Lok Raj Joshi is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Population Health in the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Georgia. He earned his PhD […]

Seminar: Rob Huigens

S175 Coverdell Center

"Phenazine Natural Products and Indole Alkaloids: Platforms for Discovery" This event is part of the department’s seminar series for graduate students. Dr. Rob Huigens III is an Associate Professor at the University of Georgia with a joint appointment in the Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences College of Pharmacy, the […]

2024 Equine Encore

This course is designed to provide equine veterinarians with up-to-date information that can immediately be incorporated into their practices so they can better serve their clients. 15 hours CE (includes 2 hours LEAP). Participants have the option of registering for the full conference, Friday only (includes LEAP), or Saturday only. […]

Seminar: Rebecca Poulson

S175 Coverdell Center

"Understanding Influenza A Viruses in North American Wildlife" This event is part of the department’s seminar series for graduate students. Dr. Rebecca Poulson is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Population Health of the College of Veterinary Medicine at UGA. She works in the Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study […]

CVM Dean’s Tailgate 2024

Save the Date for CVM Dean's Tailgate! We’re excited to announce that the 2024 Dean’s Tailgate will be hosted by the CVM Development and Alumni Relations team on November 16 as UGA takes on Tennessee between the hedges! Thanks to the generous sponsorship of Good Dog Veterinary Care, this year’s tailgate promises to […]

Seminar: Pablo David Jimenez Castro

S175 Coverdell Center

This event is part of the department’s seminar series for graduate students. "Hook before you treat! Updates on Ancylostoma caninum and resistance in dogs" Dr. Jimenez is the Director of Parasitology at Antech Diagnostics. He completed his DVM the National University of Colombia in 2013 and earned his PhD in […]

Cancelled-Seminar: Xinzhuan Su

S175 Coverdell Center

"Ubiquitination in Malaria Drug Resistance, Virulence, and Immunomodulation" This event is part of the department’s seminar series for graduate students. Dr. Xinzhuan Su is a Senior Investigator in the Malarial Functional Genomics Section of NIAID’s Intramural Research Program. He earned his PhD in Parasitology from the University of Georgia in […]

Exotic Endoscopy Practical Course

CVM Main Campus 501 DW Brooks Drive, Athens, GA

Elevate your exotic animal practice and zoological skills to the next level with the acclaimed endoscopy training programs from the University of Georgia. These courses have been specifically designed to teach the practical applications of endoscopy and endosurgery in reptiles, birds, & exotic mammals.  Whether you are a private practitioner, […]

Outpatient Medicine Virtual Conference

Registration has closed for this event. ZOOM login details were delivered to the email address participants used for registration. The message was sent from [email protected] on the morning of 12.7.24. This correspondence may have landed in a junk folder. Please follow the ZOOM registration instructions included in the email prior […]

going beyond the expected