Department of Large Animal Medicine, Large Animal Internal Medicine Service, Office of Research and Faculty and Graduate Affairs, Veterinary Teaching Hospital
Hodgson Chair of Equine Studies, Associate Professor, Director of DVM-PhD Program
Research Interests
- Large animal neurology, endocrinology, and neonatology
- Adrenal axis development and function in foals and horses
- Immune and endocrine function and interactions in sepsis
Educational Background
- DVM, Cornell University, 2004
- PhD (Physiology), University of Georgia, 2010
Teaching Experience
- LAMS 5150 Physical Diagnosis
- LAMS 5230 LA Medicine I (endocrine section)
- LAMS 5240 Problems in LA Medicine
- LAMS 5250 Clinical Techniques in LA Medicine (respiratory section)
- VPHY 5150 Endocrinology & Reproduction (adrenal gland section)
- VPHY 5100 Animal Physiological Chemistry (clinical lectures)
Selected Publications