Department of Population Health, Office of Research and Faculty and Graduate Affairs, Poultry Diagnostic and Research Center

Research Interests

  • Avian tumor viruses
  • Avian histopathology
  • Immunohistochemical techniques.

Educational Background

  • BS (1989), Zoology; University of California-Davis
  • DVM (1994), Tuskegee University
  • PhD (2001), Veterinary Pathology; Michigan State University
  • Board Certification: American College of Poultry Veterinarians, 2004
  • Graduate Faculty, 2005-present


  • Perform diagnostic pathology services for the poultry industry for State of Georgia
  • Course Moderator VPAT 8220 Avian Histopathology
  • POPH 8240 Histopathology for Poultry Medicine Residents
  • Teach toxicology section in POPH 6800 Avian Pharmacology and Toxicology

Teaching Experience

  • VPAT 8020 Cellular Pathology—multistep carcinogenesis section
  • VPAT 8100 Microscopic Pathology—Avian tissue reactions section
  • VPAT 8110 Veterinary Advanced Pathology—Pet bird diseases
  • VPAT 8130 Diagnostic Oncology—Avian section
  • VPAT8220/POPH8240 Avian Histopathology (course moderator)
  • POPH 6800 Pharmacology and Toxicology (course moderator)
  • Adjunct Professor in the Department of Pathology, 2006-present

Selected Publications

  • Emily J. Aston, Brian J Jordan, Susan M Williams, Maricarmen Garcia, and Mark W. Jackwood. Effect of Pullett Vaccination on Development and Longevity of Immunity. Viruses. Accepted Jan 29, 2019.
  • J. D. Lui, B. Lumpkins, G. Mathis, S. M. Williams, and J. Fowler. Evaluation of encapsulated sodium butyrate with varying releasing times on growth performance and necrotic enteritis mitigation in broilers. Poultry Science. Accepted Jan 18, 2019.
  • Bryan N Aguanta, A. L Fuller, Marie C. Milfort, Susan M Williams, Romdhane Rekaya, and Samuel E. Aggrey. Histological Effects of Concurrent Heat Stress and Coccidial Infection on the Lymphoid Tissues of Broiler Chickens. Avian Diseases 62(4): 345-350, 2018.
  • Pratima Adhikari, D. Cosby, N. A. Cox, M. S. Franca, S. M. Williams, and W. Kim. Effect of dietary fructooligosaccharide supplementation on internal organs Salmonella colonization, fecal shedding, ileal immune response, ileal morphology and ileal immunohistochemistry in laying hens challenged with Salmonella Enteritidis. Poultry Science 97 (7):2525-2533, 2018.
  • Naiara S Fagundes, Marie C Milfort, Susan M. Williams, Manuel J Da Costa, Alberta L Fuller, Jose Fernando Menten, Romdhane Rekaya and Samuel Aggrey. Methionine-deficient diet alters growth, digestibility and gene expression of amino acids transporters in meat-type chickens. Journal of Genomics. Submitted Jan 2, 2018
  • Robert J Williams, Steven D Holladay, Susan M Williams, and Robert M Gogal. Environmental Lead and Wild Birds—A Review. Reviews in Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 245:157-180, 2018.10.1007/398_2017_9.
  • Leticia Gabriela Beltran. S. M. Williams, Guillermo Zavala, James S. Guy and Maricarmen Garcia. The route of inoculation dictates replication patterns of infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) pathogenic strain and chicken embryo origin (CEO) vaccine. Avian Pathology 46(6): 585-593, 2017.
  • Susan M Williams, Robert J Williams, and Robert M Gogal. Acute Lameness in a Roller Pigeon (Columba livia) with Multicentric Lymphosarcoma. Avian Diseases 61:267-270, 2017.
  • J. D. Liu, H. O. Bayir, D. E. Cosby, N. A. Cox, S. M. Williams, and J. Fowler. Evaluation of encapsulated sodium butyrate on growth performance, energy digestibility, gut development and Salmonella colonization in broilers. Poultry Science 96(10)3638-3644, 2017.
  • Robert Williams, Lawrence Tannenbaum, Susan Williams, Steven Holladay,
    Richard Tuckfield, Ajay Sharma, Danny Joe Humphrey, Robert Gogal. Ingestion of a single 2.3 mm lead pellet by laying Roller pigeon hens reduces
    Methiegg size and adversely affects F1 generation hatchlings. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 73(4) 513-521, 2017.
  • Sara Lopez, Diego Piedrahita, Maria Espinal, Gloria Ramirez, Venugopal Nair, Susan Williams, Susan Baigent, Cesar Ventura, Diego Aranzazu, and Jenny Chaparro. Molecular Characterization of Marek’s Disease Virus in a poultry layer farm from Colombia. Poultry Science 96(6):1598-1608, 2017.
  • Dill, J. A., Williams, S. M., Leary, J. H., Ng, T. F. F. and Camus, A. C. (2016), Investigation of epizootic papillomatosis in bluegill Lepomis macrochirus (Rafinesque 1810) using next-generation sequencing. J Fish Dis. 40(7): 947-952, 2017. doi:10.1111/jfd.12556.
  • **Shelley R. Dodd, Rebecca S. Haynie, Susan M. Williams, and Susan B. Wilde. Alternate food-chain transfer of the toxin linked to Avian Vacuolar Myelinopathy (AVM) and implications for endangered Florida snail kite, Rosthramus sociabilis. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 52(2):335-344, 2016.
    **this manuscript was highlighted in popular journal Natural Geographic May 2016.
  • Callie Ridenour, Ralph A Tripp, Leslie P Jones, Stephen M Tompkins, Susan M Williams and Egbert Mundt. Serial passage in ducks of a low pathogenic avian influenza virus isolated from chicken reveals a high mutation rate in the hemagglutinin likely due to selection in the host. Archives of Virology 160(10): 2455-2470, 2015.
  • Ariel Vagnozzi, Sylva M Riblet, Susan M. Williams, Guillermo Zavala, and Maricarmen Garcia. Infection of Broilers with Two Virulent Strains of Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus: Criteria for Evaluation of Experimental Infections. Avian Diseases 59:394-399, 2015.
  • Mark A Jackwood, Brian J. Jordan, Ha-Jung Roh, Deborah A, Hilt and Susan M Williams. Evaluating protection against infectious bronchitis virus by clinical signs, ciliostasis, challenge virus detection and histopathology. Avian Diseases 59(3):368-374, 2015.
  • A. Waguespack Levy, James W. Kessler, Lorraine Fuller, Susan M. Williams, Greg Mathis, Brett Lumpkins, and Fernando Valdez. Effects of feeding incremental additions of an encapsulated source of butyric acid (ButiPEARL™) on the performance of male Cobb broilers reared to forty-two days of age. Poultry Science 94:1864-1870, 2015.
  • N.M. Ferguson-Noel and S. M. Williams. The Efficacy of Mycoplasma gallisepticum K-Strain Live Vaccine in Broiler and Layer Chickens. Avian Pathology 44(2): 75-80, 2015.
  • Chad M. Malinak, Charles C. Hofacre, Stephen R. Collett, H.L. Shivaprasad, Susan M. Williams, Holly S. Sellers, Elise Myers, Yun-ting Wang, and Monique Franca. Tribasic Copper Chloride Toxicosis in Commercial Broiler Chicks. Avian Diseases 58:642-649, 2014.
  • Elise A. Myers, Susan M. Williams, Guillermo Zavala, John A. Smith and Roy Berghaus. Mucosal lesions and mortality associated with the use of a ferric sulfate poultry litter amendment product. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 26(3): 457 – 461, 2014.
  • Mandana Nisarian, Steven D Holladay, Ebru Karpuzoglu, Richard P Kerr, Susan M. Williams, Lisa Stabler, R Cary Tuckfield, J Vaun McArthur, and Robert M. Gogal Jr. Exposure of juvenile leghorn chickens to lead acetate enhances antibiotic resistance in enteric bacterial flora. Poultry Science. 93(4): 891-897, 2014.
  • Vijay Durairaj, Erich Linnemann, Alan H. Icard, Susan M. Williams, Holly S. Sellers and Egbert Mundt. An in vivo experimental model to determine antigenic variation among infectious bursal disease viruses. Avian Pathology 42(4):309-315, 2013.
  • Ha-Jung Roh, Deborah A. Hilt, Susan M. Williams and Mark W. Jackwood. Evaluation of IBV Ark-type vaccine failure in commercial broilers. Avian Diseases 57:248-259, 2013.
  • Corrie C. Brown, Lauren Sullivan, Louise Dufour-Zavala, Arun Kulkarni, Susan Williams, Leonardo Susta, Jian Zhang, and Holly Sellers. Presence of APMV-1 through immunohistochemistry in tracheas of experimentally and naturally infected chickens. Avian Diseases 57:36-40, 2013.
  • Jeremy P. Holladay, Mandy Nisanian, Susan Williams, R. Cary Tuckfield, Richard Kerr, Timothy Jarrett, Lawrence Tannenbaum, Steven D. Holladay, Ajay Sharma and Robert M. Gogal, Jr. Oral Lead Pellet Ingestion in Adult Domestic Pigeons: Severe δ-ALAD Depression Suggests Potential Adverse Population Effects. Ecotoxicology. 21(8): 2331-2337, 2012.
  • Holladay SD, Kerr R, Holladay JP, Meldrum B, Williams SM, and Gogal RM Jr. Persistent elevation of blood lead and suppression of δ-ALAD in northern bobwhite quail orally dosed with even a single 2-mm spent lead shot. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 63(3):421-428, 2012.
  • Jamie E. Phillips, Mark W. Jackwood, Enid T. McKinley, Sharmi Thor, Deborah A. Hilt, Nori D. Acevedo, Susan M. Williams, Jessica C. Kissinger, Andrew H. Paterson, Jon Robertson, Conelia Lemke. Changes in non structural protein 3 are associated with attenuation in avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus. Virus Gene. 44(1):63-74. 2012. Epub 2011 Sep 10.
  • S. M. Williams, G. Zavala, S. Hafner, S. R. Collett, S. Cheng. Metastatic melanomas in young broiler chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus). Veterinary Pathology 49(2):288-91. 2012. Epub 2011 Aug. 8.
  • Kyung-Il Kang, Mohamed El-Gazzar, Holly S. Sellers, Fernanda Dorea, Susan M. Williams, Taejoong Kim, Stephen Collett and Egbert Mundt. Investigation on the etiology of Runting Stunting Syndrome in chickens. Avian Pathology 41(1):41-50. 2012.
  • Williams, Susan M. and Holly S. Sellers. Response of white leghorn chickens to infection with avian leukosis virus subgroup J and infectious bursal disease virus. Avian Dis. 56(1):2-6. 2012.
  • Denise L. Brinson, Susan M. Williams, William A. Parker, Natalie K. Armour and Stephen R. Collett. Pathology in Practice: Histomoniasis in Chickens. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. Vol. 238 (8):2011.
  • Susan M. Williams, Lisa Holthaus, Heather Wilson Barron, Stephen J. Divers, Michael McBride, Frederic Almy, Sharon Bush and Kenneth Latimer. Improved clinicopathologic assessments of acute liver damage due to trauma in Indian ring-neck parakeets. Submitted to Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery. Feb 28, 2011. Accepted Sept 22, 2011.
  • Susan M. Williams and Holly S. Sellers. Response of White Leghorn Chickens to Infection with Avian Leukosis Virus Subgroup J and Infectious Bursal Disease. Avian Dis. 56(1):2-6. 2012.
  • Denise L. Brinson, Susan M. Williams, William A. Parker, Natalie K. Armour and Stephen R. Collett. Pathology in Practice—Histomoniasis in Chickens. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. Vol. 238 (8):2011.
  • Richard Kerr, Jeremy Holladay, Steven Holladay, Lawrence Tannenbaum, Barbara Selcer, Blair Meldrum, Susan Williams, Timothy Jarrett, Robert M Gogal. Oral Lead Bullet Fragment Exposure in Northern Bobwhite Quail (Colinus virginianus). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 61(4):668676. 2011. Epub 2011 Mar 1.
  • Susan M Williams, Taylor Barbosa, Scott Hafner and Guillermo Zavala. Myxosarcomas Associated with Avian Leukosis Virus Subgroup A Infection in Fancy Breed Chickens. Avian Diseases 54: 1319-1322. 2010.
  • R. W. Gerhold, S. M. Williams, A. L. Fuller, and L. R. McDougald. An unusual case of coccidiosis in laboratory reared pheasants resulting from a breach in biosecurity. Avian Diseases 54:1112-1114. 2010.
  • Robert Gogal, Kerr, Richard; Holladay, Steven; Jarrett, Tim; Selcer, Barbara; Meldrum, Blair; Williams, Susan; Tannenbaum, Lawrence; Holladay, Jeremy; Williams, Jamie. Lead pellet retention time and associated toxicity in northern bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29(12):2869-2874, 2010.
  • Mark W. Jackwood, Deborah A. Hilt, Holly S. Sellers, Susan M. Williams, and Hiram N. Lasher. Rapid Heat-Treatment Attenuation of Infectious Bronchitis Virus. Avian Pathology 39(3): 227-233. 2010.
  • M. W. Jackwood, M. Petteruti, R. Rosenbloom, D. A. Hilt, A. W. McCall and S. M. Williams. Avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus susceptibility to botanical oleoresins and essential oils in vitro and in vivo. Virus Research 149 (1): 86-94, 2010.
  • Mark W. Jackwood, Deborah A. Hilt, Amber W. McCall, Crystal N. Polizzi, Enid T. McKinley and Susan M. Williams. Infectious bronchitis virus field vaccination coverage, vaccine levels, and persistence of Arkansas type viruses in Commercial Broilers. Avian Diseases, 53(2):175-183. 2009.
  • Vitor L. S. L. Santos, Susan M Williams, Guillermo Zavala, Jian Zhang, Sunny Cheng, Renato L. Santos, and Corrie Brown. Detection of reticuloendotheliosis virus by immunohistochemistry and insitu hybridization in experimentally infected chicken embryo fibroblasts. Braz J Vet Patholo: 2(1):29-34, 2009.
  • Ahswini Warke, David Stallknecht, Susan M. Williams, and Egbert Mundt. Pathogenicity of wild bird isolates of avian paramyxovirus 2, 4, and 6 in chickens. Avian Pathology 37(4): 429-434, 2008.
  • Vitor L. S. L. Santos, Susan M. Williams, Guillermo Zavala, Jian Zhang, Sunny Cheng, H. L. Shivaprasad, Scott Hafner, Aly Fadly, Renato L. Santos, Corrie C. Brown. Detection of reticuloendotheliosis virus by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridizaition in experimentally infected Japanese quail embryos and archived formal-fixed and paraffin embedded tissues. Avian Pathology 37(4):451-456, 2008.
  • Sonia M. Hernandez-Divers, Pedro Villegas, Carlos Jimenez, Stephen J. Hernandez-Divers, Maricarmen Garcia, Sylva M. Riblet, Ron Carroll, Barry M. O’Connor, Julie L. Webb, Michael J. Yabsley, Susan M. Williams and Susan Sanchez. Backyard Chicken Flocks Pose a Disease Risk for Neotropical Birds. Avian Diseases 3(4):e36-e37. 2008
  • F. Perozo, P. Villegas, C. Estevez, I. R. Alvarado, L. B. Purvis, and S. Williams. Protection against Infectious Bursal Disease Virulent Challenge conferred by a Recombinant Avian Adeno-Associated Virus Vaccine. Avian Diseases 52:315-319, 2008.
  • Susan M. Williams, Scott Hafner and Yoga Sundram. Liver granulomas due to Eubacterium tortuosum in a 7 week old Bobwhite quail. Avian Diseases. 51:797-799, 2007
  • Mark W. Jackwood, Deborah A. Hilt, Susan M. Williams, Peter Woolcock, Carol J. Cardona, and Robert O’Conner. Molecular and Serological Characterization, Pathogenicity, and Protection Studies with Infectious Bronchitis Virus Field Isolates from California. Avian Diseases. 51:527-533, 2007
  • Scott Hafner, Susan M. Williams, and Mary Sutton. Retroviral inclusions in the enteric smooth muscle of a tumor-bearing young chicken. Avian Diseases. 51:133-136, 2007
  • Callison S. A., S. M. Riblet, S. Sun, G. Zavala, S. Williams. R.Resurreccion, E. Spackman, M. García. Development and validation of a Real-Time Taqman® PCR assay for the detection and quantification of infectious laryngotracheitis virus in poultry. Journal of Virological Methods. 139:31-38. 2007.
  • Mohamed M. Hamoud, Pedro Villegas, and Susan M. Williams. Detection of infectious bursal disease virus from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue by immunohistochemistry and real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 19:35-42, 2007.

Book Chapters

  • Susan M Williams, Rodney L Reece and Scott Hafner. Other Tumors in Neoplastic Diseases. In: Diseases of Poultry 14th ed. David E Swayne ed. Submitted May 30, 2017.
  • Mary J. Pantin-Jackwood and Susan M. Williams. Antigen Detection Systems. In: A Laboratory Manual for the Isolation, Identification and Characterization of Avian Pathogens. 6th ed. Susan M Williams ed. American Association of Avian Pathologists. June 2016
  • Hafner, S, R L Reece and S M Williams. Other Tumors section in Neoplastic Diseases. In: Disease of Poultry. 13th Ed. David E. Swayne ed. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Ames, IA. Sept 2013.
  • Williams, Susan M. Muscular System. In: Avian Histopathology. 3rd Ed. Oscar J Fletcher ed. American Association of Avian Pathologists. Omni Press, Madison, WI. Dec 2008.

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