Mitochondrial & Regenerative Physiology Lab

Our laboratory is interested in mitochondrial physiology in multiple cell types, skeletal muscle biology, and regenerative rehabilitation. We use a combination of electrophysiology, biochemistry, and molecular biology approaches to better understand how cellular signaling and post-translational modifications affect specific protein function and cellular physiology. We are located in the Department of Physiology & Pharmacology within the College of Veterinary Medicine. We strive to improve animal and human health through excellence in biomedical research and education.

Announcements and Recent News

Lab Blog

Males vs Females: Differential impacts of Western diet and VML injury on skeletal muscle metabolism (Nov 2, 2023)

Our lab with Drs. Greising (University of Minnesota, Kinesiology) and Noble (UGA, Nutritional Sciences) investigated if 8 weeks of high-fat, high-sugar diets (Western diet; WD) impacts skeletal muscle metabolic and contractile function following volumetric muscle loss (VML) injury. Male and female mice were randomly divided into 4 groups of Naïve and VML-injured groups with or…

Does a Western Diet influence brain mitochondria? (Jan 1, 2022)

We teamed up with Emily Noble’s Lab (UGA, Nutritional Sciences) to explore whether or not a short-term Western Diet influences hippocampal and hypothalamic mitochondrial bioenergetics. Male and female rats were randomized into groups of normal chow or high-fat, high sucrose for 6-weeks at which point a diagnostic test of mitochondrial bioenergetics was performed on the…

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