Research accomplishments of SCWDS have been recognized nationally and internationally. The parasites and diseases affecting every major resident game mammal and upland game bird in the southeastern United States have been studied. Disease and parasite problems that appear during basic surveys, diagnostic activities, or field investigations have become topics for more in-depth study. Results of these studies have extensive practical applications in wildlife management, domestic livestock and poultry production, and public health policy.

Research projects form an integral part of SCWDS activities and are implemented as wildlife, livestock or human health disease concerns warrant. SCWDS has been actively involved in wildlife research of the Southeastern United States for roughly six decades and historically focused on health questions of game species, however, has since branched out and is now involved in research projects spanning North America. Current research topics can be found below under SCWDS broad thematic research areas or as additional research projects.

A complete list of publications resulting from research involving SCWDS faculty, staff, students, and collaborators can be found on our Resources page.

going beyond the expected