Taking ideas from abstract to reality

Veterinary Medical Experiment Station (VMES)

The VMES supports research and scientific training within the College focused on the improvement of animal and human health, and, the elimination of animal diseases affecting the citizens of Georgia and Georgia’s livestock and poultry industries.

This includes:

  • Improving the health and productivity of domestic livestock, poultry, fish, and other income-producing animals and wildlife through research;
  • Assisting in preventing disease epidemics by providing laboratory resources and highly skilled scientific personnel;
  • Assisting in protecting human health through the control of animal diseases transmissible to man;
  • Improving the health of companion animals, which serve to enrich the lives of humankind;
  • Training new scientists in animal health research in order to provide continuity and growth in this vital area of veterinary medicine.

VMES supports research on food animal diseases because of its importance to Georgia’s economy and health of its citizens. High quality human nutrition continues to be a fundamental goal of Georgia’s animal-oriented agribusiness leaders. Research conducted through the Veterinary Medical Experiment Station ultimately aids in providing the consumer with disease-free animal-based food devoid of potentially harmful drugs, pesticides, and environmental contaminants. Prevention, control and eradication of zoonoses are also high priorities of the VMES.

Extramural Funding Resources

Below is a sampling of external funding resources available:

going beyond the expected