Another successful Science of Veterinary Symposium

By Staff

The 11th Annual Science of Veterinary Medicine took place on October 11th with keynote speaker Amy Vincent, DVM, Phd, Lead Scientist at the USDA-Agriculture Research Service (ARS), National Animal Disease Center (NADC) in Ames, Iowa.  Despite a hurricane delay, the day was an excellent showcase of the breadth of research being conducted at UGA CVM  with oral and poster presentations by trainees at all levels form undergrads and vet students to post docs and interns. The winners were:

Under Grad & Vet Student Oral Presentations – Jude Thornton, Corinne Dillard
Intern/Resident Oral Presentations – Benjamin Lee
Graduate Oral Presentation – Kate Birdwhistell, Stephanie Kleine, James Collins
Postdoctoral Fellows Oral Presentation – Grace Albanese
Grad & Vet Student Poster Presentations – Alexa Diaz, Kristen Peagler, Katie Beckworth
Graduate Poster Presentations – Troy Koser, Xiaotian Wang, Carmen Jerry
Instagram winners – Katie Buckley – most posted about presentation, Trey Callahan – judge’s choice post, Thomas Bevelock – most liked post

going beyond the expected