Archive for the ‘Faculty’ Category

UGA veterinary medicine professor honored with prestigious Presidential Early Career Award

Jesse Schank is among 400 researchers named recipients of the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, or PECASE.

What is bird flu, and should you be worried?

The extensive spread of H5N1 avian influenza on U.S. dairy farms is particularly worrisome, according to UGA flu researcher Mark Tompkins.

Distinguished Professors bring a wealth of experience and hope for new advancements to their roles with CVM

What makes a professor distinguished? In the College of Veterinary Medicine, it’s a clinician who sees the need for 24/7 emergency care for animals and builds a program to provide just that. And it’s researchers who dive deep into the mechanisms of well-known but little understood diseases in hopes of […]

Kaori Sakamoto named to AAVMP board

Dr. Kaori Sakamoto, associate professor of anatomic pathology, has recently been named the director of wellness and wellbeing for the Association of Asian American Veterinary Medical Professionals (AAVMP). In this role, Dr. Sakamoto will be responsible for developing wellness workshops and opportunities designed to improve wellbeing and promoting positive mental […]

CVM researchers receive NIH-USDA grant to study mechanisms of chromosome instability and early pregnancy loss

A team of researchers from the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine and the Regenerative Bioscience Center has received a five-year, dual-purpose grant of $1.65 million from the USDA and the NIH to study the effects of chromosomal abnormalities on early embryo development and to discover and validate novel […]

New technology reveals hidden Salmonella

Monitoring Salmonella in the environment is critical because contaminated freshwater used to irrigate crops can transfer pathogenic bacteria to fresh produce, causing illness and even death. But University of Georgia researcher Nikki Shariat believes traditional Salmonella surveillance methods have been missing the big picture. Shariat, an assistant professor of population […]

CVM faculty guide UGA through the pandemic

During the pandemic, the university has had to make big choices quickly, and the College of Veterinary Medicine has played a large part in those tough decisions. The Preventative Measures Advisory Board is co-chaired by CVM Dean Lisa Nolan with four other CVM faculty members serving on its 11-member team:  […]

CVM scientists create COVID-19 saliva test for campus community

When the COVID-19 pandemic first hit the U.S., the most common way to test for the virus was using nasopharyngeal (NP) swabs—which pass through the nostril to the very back of the nasal cavity, where they pick up mucosal secretions. But thanks to a team of researchers from UGA’s Veterinary […]

CVM professor receives AAVMC award for distinguished service

Dr. Corrie Brown has been recognized for the second time in as many months. This week, Dr. Brown was named this year’s AAVMC Billy E. Hooper Award for Distinguished Service recipient. Per the AAVMC, this award is presented each year to an individual “whose leadership and vision has made a […]

CVM announces new Veterinary Teaching Hospital Director

After a national search, the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine is pleased to welcome John Corsale, DVM, MBA as the new Associate Dean of Clinical Services and Director of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital beginning in February 2021. Dr. Corsale brings extensive and unique experience to the hospital. Since […]

Handling Hookworms

As a specialist in parasitology, Dr. Ray Kaplan, professor of infectious diseases, keeps a watchful eye on the interactions between parasites and their hosts. In recent years, parasitologists noticed that racing greyhounds and recently adopted former racing greyhounds are almost always infected with hookworms. This phenomenon was believed to be […]

CVM professor and emergency care practitioner recognized at national conference

Benjamin Brainard, professor of small animal medicine and surgery and director of clinical research, was recently awarded the 2020 ACVECC Jack Mara Scientific Achievement Award for Advances in Coagulation. This award is presented to the veterinarian who has made the most substantial contribution to knowledge and understanding of the unique […]

Personnel changes to Office of Research and Graduate and Faculty Affairs

The College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) is pleased to announce reorganization and additions to the Office of Research and Faculty and Graduate Affairs, including the newly appointed assistant dean of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Dr. Susan M. Williams has been appointed interim assistant dean of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Williams […]

CVM establishes Office of Diversity, assistant dean position

The College of Veterinary Medicine is known for the exceptional doctors of veterinary medicine it produces, but what few people realize is the breadth of education, research, and service offerings housed within our walls. This diversity in mission has drawn an increasingly diverse and multicultural group of faculty, staff, and […]

Student and faculty publish interactive children’s book

Chad Schmiedt, professor of small animal medicine and surgery and Alison Bradbury Chair in Feline Health, in collaboration with Jim Moore, professor of large animal medicine and director of the Educational Resources Center at the College of Veterinary Medicine, has created and published an eBook written for children preparing to […]

Education, Evaluation, and Enterotomies

The College of Veterinary Medicine is a busy place with many moving parts. Our teaching hospital is not just a hands-on classroom for clinical students, but a medical service for our community. Our clinical faculty members provide guidance for students and care for our patients. At the same time, many […]

CVM department head elected president of AAALAC Council on Accreditation

Gaylen Edwards, head of the department of physiology and pharmacology and Georgia Athletic Association Professor in Veterinary Medicine, has recently been elected president of the AAALAC International Council on Accreditation. AAALAC International is a non-profit organization that promotes the humane treatment of laboratory animals. The organization also offers a voluntary […]

Meet the Faculty: Jarrod Mousa

What is your role at the CVM? When did you come to UGA? I am an assistant professor in the Department of Infectious Diseases. My research laboratory is in the Center for Vaccines and Immunology. I joined UGA in August 2017. What is your research focus? My lab studies antibodies, […]

UGA College of Veterinary Medicine introduces new online professional master’s program

The College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Georgia has announced the formation of a completely online Master’s program in Comparative Biomedical Sciences. The curriculum is interdisciplinary and is designed to provide a broad foundation for students who intend to pursue professional careers in veterinary or human medicine, biomedical […]

UGA CVM researchers identify new compounds to combat multi-drug antibiotic resistance

A team of researchers led by Stephen Trent, professor of infectious diseases and UGA Foundation Distinguished Professor recently identified five compounds capable of boosting the effects of common last-resort antibiotics against treatment-resistant, Gram-negative bacteria. These compounds were also successful in lowering the dose of antibiotics necessary to facilitate bactericidal effects, […]

Athens Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory director retiring, interim director appointed

After 15 years of service, Dr. Jeremiah (Jerry) Saliki will be retiring from UGA May 1st, 2020. Dr. Saliki has been the director of the Athens Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (AVDL) since 2007 and at the University of Georgia as a professor of virology since 2005. He is a renowned virologist […]

UGA researchers receive NIH grants to study innate immunity to influenza and pneumococcus

Balázs Rada, associate professor of infectious diseases and head of the Laboratory of Mucosal Innate Immunity and Neutrophil Biology at UGA, is the principal investigator on two NIH-funded projects totaling $2.3M. Rada and his team will study the body’s innate immune response to influenza and a pneumonia-causing bacterium, Streptococcus pneumoniae, […]

CVM faculty member named 2020 Meigs Professor

Puliyur MohanKumar is a professor of veterinary biosciences and diagnostic imaging, but he’s best known for leading our first-year students through their first anatomy course. A student-favorite educator, MohanKumar is always working to create innovative ways for students to learn—a challenge when your coursework is as broad as anatomy. Learn […]

Staying the Course in the Face of Chaos

It has been a little under a month since COVID-19 was first recognized as a pandemic by the World Health Organization. Around the world, people from all walks of life have been asked to adapt to a new lifestyle—one of constant change and social distancing. Despite the upheaval, the University […]

Ted Ross in the lab

CVI researchers developing coronavirus vaccine

Ted Ross, director of the CVM’s Center for Vaccines and Immunology, and his team have partnered with labs and biotech companies to develop new vaccines that could protect against the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Learn more here.

Nikolay Filipov named Lalita and Raghubir Sharma Distinguished Professor

Nikolay Filipov has been endowed with the College of Veterinary Medicine’s Lalita and Raghubir Sharma Distinguished Professorship. This professorship, named for Dr. Raghubir Sharma and his wife, is presented to a professor focusing on innovative research in toxicology and engaged in teaching, research, public service, or a combination of these […]

Pathology students and faculty recognized in interdisciplinary ceremonies

The Department of Pathology celebrated a successful year’s end. Seven students and faculty were presented awards at three recent annual meetings. The American College of Veterinary Pathologists (ACVP) and the American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology’s (ASVCP) concurrent annual meeting was held in San Antonio, Texas; the Entomological Society of […]

The group of attendees and involved faculty stand in front of the Tifton DLAb

CVM hosts first international workshop for dairy veterinarians in Tifton

On Monday, December 2, 2019, the UGA College of Veterinary Medicine’s Tifton campus opened its doors to veterinarians from Central and South America—the CVM’s first international workshop in Tifton, GA. The workshop, coordinated by clinical associate professor of food animal health and management Pedro Melendez, was developed to provide updated […]

UGA College of Veterinary Medicine announces creation of endowed chair in feline health, names Dr. Chad Schmiedt to the post

The College of Veterinary Medicine recently received approval from the Board of Regents to create the Alison Bradbury Chair in Feline Health, one of only two such endowed professorships in the nation. Dr. Chad Schmiedt, professor of small animal surgery, will be the first to hold the position. Schmiedt is […]

Pathology faculty member selected to participate in SEC Academic Leadership Development Program

Kaori Sakamoto, associate professor of pathology and director of the Comparative Biomedical Sciences Program at the College, has been selected for the 2019-2020 Southeastern Conference Academic Leadership Development Fellowship. This program is designed to enhance the skills of faculty and early-career administrators in SEC institutions and prepare them for the […]

Monique S. França

going beyond the expected