Pathology students and faculty recognized in interdisciplinary ceremonies

By Communications Team

The Department of Pathology celebrated a successful year’s end. Seven students and faculty were presented awards at three recent annual meetings. The American College of Veterinary Pathologists (ACVP) and the American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology’s (ASVCP) concurrent annual meeting was held in San Antonio, Texas; the Entomological Society of America (ESA) held their meeting in St. Louis, Missouri; and the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (AAVLD) gathered in Providence, Rhode Island.


Paige Carmichael, Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor of Pathology, was selected to be a Distinguished Member of the ACVP by majority council vote.

Silvia Carnaccini, current population health PhD candidate and future resident in pathology, won the ACVP Young Investigator Award – Experimental Disease. This award is presented to students for a presentation of work completed during resident or graduate training.

Alyssa Brooker, resident of clinical pathology, was awarded the ASVCP Share the Future Travel Grant. This grant is awarded to a select group of pathology students based on a poster or oral presentation of research, a submitted abstract, and additional materials.

Justin Stillwell, former pathology resident and current PhD student, received the ACVP Pathology of Zoo Wildlife and Zoo Animals Award. Awardees are selected based on the quality, scientific merit, and conservation significance of a submitted abstract.

Megan Caudill, who completed her residency in clinical pathology this year, was awarded the Casey Scholarship and the CL Davis Foundation Award. Both scholarships recognize students of pathology for academic excellence and experience.


Kaylee Arnold, PhD student in Dr. Nicole Gottdenker’s Lab, won second place for Best Student Talk in Molecular Biology for her research on gut microbial diversity in Chagas disease vectors in central Panama.


Grazieli Maboni, clinical microbiology resident in the Athens Diagnostic Lab, won Best Student Poster and the AAVLD Trainee Travel Award. Winners are selected by committee and featured throughout the meeting.

“It is so exciting to see our students and faculty awarded for their accomplishments, they are an amazing group,” said Dr. Jesse Hostetter, Barry G. Harmon Professor and Head of the Department of Pathology. “It is great to see the Pathology Department and Diagnostic Labs represented so well across so many disciplines.”

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