Archive for the ‘Rehab’ Category

Small Animal Underwater Treadmill Therapy

Jet Schwalbe

While his family was abroad, Jet suddenly lost feeling in and use of his rear legs due to an intervertebral disc herniation. As this condition is common in dachshunds, UGA clinicians jumped into action and performed a surgery to address the issue. Unfortunately, the chance of complete recovery when compounded […]

Sunshine Wilder

Sunshine hurt her left leg while chasing a ball, began to limp and lost interest in her usual activities. Our veterinarian diagnosed it as a torn ACL and referred us to the UGA Veterinary Teaching Hospital. At our initial appointment the diagnosis was confirmed and they explained the needed surgical […]

Brutus Rule

On July 8, 2016, Brutus’s right rear leg made a strange motion, as if it had stiffened up with no bend at the knee. The leg made this motion twice, but then we completed our morning walk as usual. Later that day, I received a call that Brutus had fallen […]

going beyond the expected