College of Veterinary Medicine Grading Policy

Didactic Instruction:


The College of Veterinary Medicine follows the University of Georgia grading system:

The University does not specify the values to be assigned to a given letter grade.  The numerical values associated with letter grades are the decision of the instructor and are documented in the course syllabus.

Most courses adopt the following: A 93-100, A- 90-92, B+ 87-89, B 83-86, B- 80-82, C+ 77-79, C 73-76, C- 70-72, D 60-69, F <60

Pass/fail (satisfactory / unsatisfactory) courses are identified as such in their syllabi.


Clinical Instruction (rotations):

All courses are pass/fail (satisfactory / unsatisfactory)

We’re UGA Vet Med, and our

passion powers our commitment.