Request a VTH Tour
Biweekly tours are full for Fall 2024. If participants would like to complete the form to learn about Spring 2025 dates, please complete the form. Spring 2025 tour dates will be released by December 20, 2025.
Thank you for your interest in touring the University of Georgia Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Please complete the UGA Vet Teaching Hospital Registration Form to select tour date preferences. Tour dates will be provided from September – November in Fall and February – April in Spring. The age limit for tours is 16 years old and older. Your tour is not scheduled unless you receive a confirmation email with more information on directions, parking, and tour check-in. If all tour slots are full and at capacity, visitors will have to wait to register for the following semester with available dates. Fall tour dates will be updated on the UGA Vet Hospital Registration Form on July 20th and Spring tour dates will be updated on the UGA Vet Hospital Registration Form on December 20th each year. These tours are on a first-come-first-serve basis. Submissions for tours will not be reviewed by staff until the week of August 26th for Fall and January 27th for Spring each year.
Our office does not provide tours when class is not in session (e.g., on holidays, academic breaks, during summer, etc.). Our office does not provide tours “due to you being in town.” While we are excited that you have the opportunity to visit Athens, tour dates and tour guides involve a lot of preplanning, coordination, and logistics. Visitors who reach out requesting tours outside of the pre-set tour dates provided, will be redirected to the language of this webpage.
UGA Veterinary Teaching Hospital virtual tour
Request a Group Tour
If you are a high school or college student group interested in a group tour, submit a request to the UGA Vet Group Tour Teaching Hospital Registration Form. The age limit for tours is 16 years old and older. Tour dates will be provided from September – November in Fall and February – April in Spring. Please note: submission of a group registration does not guarantee that our office will be able to accommodate your request. Submissions for tours will not be reviewed by staff until the week of August 26 th for Fall and January 27th for Spring each year. However, Group tours are on a first-come-first-serve basis. During Fall and Spring, only a limited number of group tours will be accepted based on first-come-first-serve basis AND limited availability throughout the year compared to other events, programs, and obligations.
Our office does not provide tours when class is not in session (e.g., on holidays, academic breaks, during summer, etc.). Our office does not provide tours “due to you being in town.” While we are excited that you have the opportunity to visit Athens, tour dates and tour guides involve a lot of preplanning, coordination, and logistics. Visitors who reach out requesting tours outside of the pre-set tour date ranges provided, will be redirected to the language of this webpage.