Department of Pathology
Associate Professor, Clinical Pathology

Animal Models of Human Disease | Clinical Pathology


Research Interests

  • Identification of disease through clinical laboratory methods
  • Advancement of clinical laboratory methods
  • Technology in the classroom

Educational Background

  • Ph.D., Veterinary Pathobiology, University of Missouri, July 2010
  • D.V.M., University of Missouri, May 2005
  • B.S., Biochemistry, University of Missouri, May 2001

Teaching Experience

  • Advanced Hematology (Course Coordinator)
  • Problems in Veterinary Pathology
  • Clinical Pathology Seminar
  • Clinical Pathology (Course Coordinator)
  • Diagnostic Pathology
  • Cellular Pathology
  • Clinical Pathology Clerkship
  • Studies in Diagnostic Pathology
  • Cytology Practicum
  • Histopathology Seminar
  • Veterinary Clinical Biochemistry

Selected Publications

  • Martinez D, Nabity M, Garner BC , et al. Eosinophilic leukemia in three African pygmy hedgehogs (Atelerix albiventris). Accepted by Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation.
  • Clarke LL*, Kelly LS, Garner BC , and Brown CA. Disseminated histiocytic sarcoma in a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with uncommon cytologic presentation. Accepted by Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation.
  • Edwards EE*, Garner BC ,, Williamson LH, Storey BE and Sakamoto K. (2016) Pathology of Haemonchus contortus in New World camelids in the southeastern United States: a retrospective review. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. Mar; 28(2): 105-109.
  • Sladakovic I*, Burnam A, Blas-Machado U, Kelly LS, Garner BC ,, Holmes SP and Divers S. (2016) Mandibular squamous cell carcinoma in a bobcat (Lynx Rufus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 47(1): 370-373.
  • Monibi FA, Roller BL, Stoker AM, Garner BC , Bal BS and Cook JL. (2016) Identification of synovial fluid biomarkers for knee osteoarthritis and correlation with radiographic assessment. Journal of Knee Surgery. 29(3):242-247.
  • Franklin SP, Garner BC , and Cook JL. (2015) Characteristics of canine platelet-rich plasma prepared with five commercially available systems. American Journal of Veterinary Research. Sept; 76(9): 822-827.
  • Cazzini P***, Frontera-Acevedo K***, Garner BC , Howerth E, Torres B, Northrup N and Sakamoto K. (2015) Morphologic, molecular and ultrastructural characterization of a feline synovial cell sarcoma and derived cell line. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. May; 27(3): 369-376.
  • Collicutt N*, Garner BC , Berghaus RD, Camus M and Hart K. (2015) Effect of delayed serum separation and storage temperature on rate of serum glucose concentration decline in four species. Veterinary Clinical Pathology. Mar; 44(1): 120-7.
  • Fung HL*, Calzada J, Saldana A, Santamaria AM, Pineda V, Gonzalez K, Chaves LF, Garner BC , and Gottdenker N. (2014) Domestic dog health worsens with socio-economic deprivation of their home communities. Acta Tropica. Jul; 135: 67-74.
  • Garner BC , Priest H and Smith J. (2014) Pseudo-hypoproteinemia in a hyperbilirubinemic dog with immune mediated hemolytic anemia. Veterinary Clinical Pathology. June; 43(2): 266-9.
  • Collicutt N* and Garner BC , (2013) Erythrocyte dysplasia in peripheral blood smears from 5 thrombocytopenic dogs treated with vincristine sulfate. Veterinary Clinical Pathology. Dec; 42(4): 458-64.
  • Frontera-Acevedo F*, Balsone N, Dugan M, Makemson C, Creevy K, Peterson D, Brown HM, Garner BC , and Sakamoto K. (2013) Systemic Immune Reponse in Cytauxzoon felis-infected domestic cats. American Journal of Veterinary Research. Jun; 74(6): 901-9.
  • Collicutt N*, Camus MS, Brown C and Garner BC . (2013) What is Your Diagnosis? Renal mass in a dog. Veterinary Clinical Pathology. Sep; 42(3): 389-390.
  • Cazzini P*, Camus MS and Garner BC . (2013) Pathology in practice (Cryptococcal osteomyelitis in a dog). Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. Apr; 242(8): 1079-1081.
  • Garner BC , Kuroki K, Stoker AM, Cook CR and Cook JL. (2013) Expression of proteins in serum, synovial fluid, synovial membrane, and articular cartilage samples obtained from dogs with stifle joint osteoarthritis secondary to cranial cruciate ligament disease and dogs without stifle joint arthritis. American Journal of Veterinary Research. Mar; 74(3): 386-394.
  • Garner BC , Holman P and Berent LM. (2012) Theileriosis in a reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) associated with a potentially novel Theileria sp. Veterinary Clinical Pathology. Dec; 41(4):497-501.
  • Garner BC , Stoker AM, Kuroki K, Evans R, Cook CR and Cook JL. (2011) Using Animal Models in Osteoarthritis Biomarker Research. The Journal of Knee Surgery. Dec; 24(4): 251-264.
  • Garner BC , Zimmerman S and Brown HM. (2011) Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow: Unique Urinalysis. Veterinary Clinical Pathology, Sep; 40(3): 279.
  • Garner BC and Wiedmeyer C. (2007) Comparison of a Semi-Quantitative Point-of-Care Assay for the Detection of Canine Microalbuminuria with Routine Semi-Quantitative Methods for Proteinuria. Veterinary Clinical Pathology, Sep;36(3):240-4.
  • Martinez D, Nabity M, Garner BC , et al. Eosinophilic leukemia in three African pygmy hedgehogs (Atelerix albiventris). (2017). Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/1040638716687603
  • Clarke LL*, Kelly LS, Garner BC and Brown CA. Disseminated histiocytic sarcoma in a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with uncommon cytologic presentation. (2017). Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. In press.
  • ​Additional publications by Dr. Garner may be found at PubMed.

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