Department of Physiology and Pharmacology
Director - Neurocognition Science Laboratory, Associate Professor

Richard Lamb, Ph.D. is a member of the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology and the Department of Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy in the Colleges of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy. He is currently the director of the Neurocognition Science Laboratory at the University of Georgia. He earned his Ph.D. from George Mason University, College of Education and Human Development in 2013 in Science Education and Measurement. His research focuses on the identification of cognitive markers of learning, increasing efficacy and performance of neural processing and cognition during learning using novel technologies in educational environments. A second area of related research is in the use of psychophysiomeasurement tools and virtual and synthetic environments to provide access to learning opportunities and assessment of mental status and socioemotional health interventions for students at all levels of the P-20 continuum. Using advanced technologies, he seeks to shape the biopsychosocial aspects of learning and mental health, to promote learning and wellbeing across the lifespan. His work is interdisciplinary and draws from computer science, cognitive psychology, behavioral neuroscience, psychometrics. The purpose of Lamb’s research is to translate basic behavioral neuroscience and psychological research into educational and counseling practice. He has taught courses in learning technologies, science education, neuroimaging, psychophysiomeasurement, psychometrics, counseling research, educational measurement, and the science of learning. Additional courses he has taught include advanced quantitative methods such as analysis of sensor signal data, artificial intelligence, machine learning, multilevel modeling, and structural equation modeling.

Educational Background

  • Ph.D. – Science Education / Educational Measurement – George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia – 2013
    Dissertation Summary: Published 06/13. The application of cognitive diagnostic approaches via neural network analysis of serious educational games, illustrates the development and creation of real time cognitive assessments and models using STEM based serious educational games.
  • M.S. – Mental Health Counseling – East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina – Estimated 2024
    Thesis Summary: TBD. Examination of the psychosocial pressures related to cumulative stress and latent trauma in underrepresented groups, examines the role that technology can play in the treatment trauma.
  • M.S. – Science Education and Instructional Technology – North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina – 2009
    Thesis Summary: Published 5/09. Review of the efficacy of SAS curriculum pathways on student understanding in chemistry, outlines and explored the effective integration of technology and online instruction into a traditional science classroom. Developed effective use model based upon statistical analysis of student test scores measuring achievement and learning gains.
  • B.S. – Biochemistry, Canisius College, Buffalo, New York – 1999
    Dual appointment commission into the United States Army Chemical and Military Intelligence Corps. Recipient of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Military Scholar Award.

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