Crash and Flash

By Communications Team

Crash and Flash are wild eastern box turtles taken in by the Veterinary Teaching Hospital’s Wildlife Treatment Crew (WTC) after sustaining serious injuries. The WTC is a volunteer group of undergrad and DVM students overseen by senior DVM students and hospital clinicians. Participation in the Crew allows students to gain hands-on experience with a wide variety of native species. During their stay, the pair received treatment and rehabilitation for their respective injuries including antibiotic therapy, nutritional support facilitated through tube feeding, therapeutic laser treatments, topical honey bandages, and applications of dental acrylic for shell repair in Crash’s case. The turtles could also be found outside on their daily walks (for sun exposure) in the courtyard. Crash and Flash were short-term residents at the hospital and have since moved on to a rehabilitation facility. Both should be released back into the wild in the coming months.

going beyond the expected