Douglas Paton

Plasmodium falciparum, the causative agent of malaria, is a deadly parasite that is spread through the bite of Anopheles mosquitoes. My lab is committed to developing new and novel ways to reduce global malaria burden, and studies the interaction of Plasmodium parasites with their Anopheles mosquito host, with an emphasis […]

Daniel Peach

Mosquitoes are the world’s deadliest animals, but they have a secret life that doesn’t involve biting us. It’s this whole secret life, that includes everything from mosquito pollination to the non-human animals they feed on to mosquito-mosquito competition to how they find each other to mate, that fascinates me and […]

Chester Joyner

Dr. Chet Joyner is a trained immunologist and parasitologist. His research program focuses on understanding the biology of Plasmodium vivax, malaria immunology and pathogenesis, and the biology of B cells and plasma cells. The ultimate goals of his research is to use cutting-edge technologies to help development new treatments and […]

Hind Yahyaoui Azami

Hind Yahyaoui Azami is an early-career researcher in the field of infectious diseases, with 10 years’ cumulative post-graduate experience in the epidemiology of zoonotic diseases. She has carried out research in Morocco and Switzerland and possess strong skills in managing international knowledge networks, research partnerships and program development in the […]

Christopher Cleveland

Melinda Brindley

Dr. Melinda Brindley is a molecular virologist, with expertise in positive and negative sense RNA viruses. She earned her Ph.D. from the University of Iowa studying how Ebola virus and equine infectious anemia virus enters host cells. As a postdoc at Emory University, she characterized how the measles virus glycoprotein […]

Hemant Naikare

I am a board certified diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Microbiologists with twenty years of experience in the field of diagnostic microbiology: classical and conventional methodologies to detect diseases of livestock, companion animals, zoonotic diseases, food safety, antimicrobial resistance and public health. Currently, I am a tenured Professor […]

Ashutosh Pathak

I am interested in determining how parasite fitness is shaped by interactions with host(s) and environment. Questions that motivate my research include: 1) How do biotic and abiotic factors regulate dynamics of parasite populations within and between hosts? 2) To what extent do parasites and their hosts vary naturally in […]

Richard Hall

Richard Hall

Odum School of Ecology profile

Andrew W. Park

Andrew W. Park

Odum School of Ecology profile

Jeff Hogan

Robert Jeffrey Hogan

Dr. Hogan began his 30 year scientific career studying host-pathogen interactions during his graduate studies, which focused on immune responses to viral infection in teleosts. After receiving his doctoral degree, he joined the laboratory of Dr. David Woodland at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, where his research focused on cell-mediated […]

Fred Quinn

Frederick D. Quinn

Frederick D. Quinn, Ph.D., is Athletic Association Professor of Infectious Diseases, Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Interim Director of the Center for Vaccines and Immunology in the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Georgia. Dr. Quinn oversaw several laboratory groups at the Centers for Disease […]

Eric R. Lafontaine

Eric R. Lafontaine

One component of my research program consists of identifying and characterizing surface antigens expressed by pathogenic bacteria including Burkholderia pseudomallei and Burkholderia mallei. Given their cellular location at the host-pathogen interface, surface antigens play key roles in bacterial virulence. We believe that studying their biological functions will shed light on […]

Elizabeth Howerth

Nicole Gottdenker

We’re UGA Vet Med, and our

passion powers our commitment.