Lucy Lundie

By Owned by Susie Lundie, Dacula, Ga.

Lucy was near death when we rescued her, but she had such an amazing spirit and will to live. She joined our four other rescues and loved the company of her “pig” brothers and sisters. She relished the love and attention she was getting for the first time in her life and would flop over for belly rubs and nudge us whenever we would stop petting her. She was so appreciative and grateful of the love she was getting from us. Little did she know how much love she was giving back. In time, she put on weight, her skin improved, and her hair grew back in. She had become a healthy girl, so it was time to talk about having her spayed.

Spaying is imperative in pigs because of their high risk of tumors or infections of the uterus; however, at her advanced age, spaying is also a very risky procedure. We knew the UGA Veterinary Teaching Hospital was the only option for Lucy, because they have board-certified surgeons and anesthesiologists. We knew she’d be in the best hands possible, especially with her potentially complicated case. Lucy came through the surgery with flying colors and is doing great now.

Thanks to the great staff at the UGA VTH, we are planning on many, many more years with our little Lucy!

going beyond the expected