My gelding had injured his eye, and after a week of my veterinarian and I treating it, the eye wasn’t getting any better. So, my husband and I brought Tamboer to the UGA Veterinary Teaching Hospital. After being examined, we were told the thinnest of membranes was holding his eye together and he needed emergency surgery. We felt it was imperative to save the eye, because he had lost his right eye five years earlier.
Ten days after surgery, Tamboer had a complication and the doctors had to perform emergency surgery again. Over the next several weeks, Tamboer remained hospitalized and received treatments six times a day for continued swelling in his eye. His progress was slow, but his eye was healing.
Our boy had every problem in the book, but despite these disruptions in his progress, Tamboer came home seven weeks after his initial evaluation! His eye was left with minimal scarring and near-perfect vision!
Many thanks to all the UGA VTH doctors, students and staff who cared for my horse. It is now more than two years later and I still trail ride with my guy. No one can tell that he went through so much, because his eye is beautiful!