Food Animal Services in Tifton GA
Livestock Veterinary Medical & Education Center The livestock haul-in facility located at the Tifton Veterinary Diagnostic and Investigational Laboratory provides for more efficient provisions of veterinary health services to rural Georgia cattle owners and expands the training opportunities for veterinary students in rural practice. Services available include: Specialized bovine reproductive […]
CVM researchers receive NIH-USDA grant to study mechanisms of chromosome instability and early pregnancy loss
A team of researchers from the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine and the Regenerative Bioscience Center has received a five-year, dual-purpose grant of $1.65 million from the USDA and the NIH to study the effects of chromosomal abnormalities on early embryo development and to discover and validate novel […]
CVM hosts first international workshop for dairy veterinarians in Tifton
On Monday, December 2, 2019, the UGA College of Veterinary Medicine’s Tifton campus opened its doors to veterinarians from Central and South America—the CVM’s first international workshop in Tifton, GA. The workshop, coordinated by clinical associate professor of food animal health and management Pedro Melendez, was developed to provide updated […]
CVM breaks ground on new Farm Animal Veterinary Medical Center on the Tifton campus
The UGA College of Veterinary Medicine broke ground on a new facility on their campus in Tifton, Georgia recently. The UGA Tifton Farm Animal Veterinary Medical Center will improve the CVM’s ability to serve Georgia’s animal agricultural industries and will strengthen the South Georgia region overall. The 9,000-square-foot facility will […]
Bradley Dale Heins
Dr. Heins has lived in various regions of the United States and has a diverse background as a veterinary for beef, swine, and dairy operations as well as prior experience working in small animal medicine. Having grown up in rural Georgia, Dr. Heins sees the importance of mentoring students to […]
Angie K. Royer, M.Ed.
With previous experience working in three different areas of the College of Veterinary Medicine for UGA CVM Dean Sheila Allen, Associate Dean of Public Service and Outreach, Dr. Bruce Hollett, Dean’s Office Graduate Program Development and the Veterinary Teaching Hospital Front Desk Administrative Operations, I bring a depth of insight […]
Roberto A. Palomares
I was born in Maracaibo, Venezuela, a very warm, colorful, coastal city with cultural and geographical importance for the development of the region. With no doubts, one of the most beautiful countries on the planet, not only for the natural and economic resources, but also for our lovely and diverse […]