Brutus Rule

By Owned by Roger Rule, Flowery Branch, Ga.

On July 8, 2016, Brutus’s right rear leg made a strange motion, as if it had stiffened up with no bend at the knee. The leg made this motion twice, but then we completed our morning walk as usual. Later that day, I received a call that Brutus had fallen and seemed seriously hurt. My veterinarian confirmed that Brutus was paralyzed and recommended a CT scan or an MRI. That is what led me to the UGA Veterinary Teaching Hospital.

When I arrived, the Hospital’s emergency personnel immediately took over. His team of three doctors and a senior veterinary student were very helpful and asked the right questions. The MRI results showed that Brutus had a herniated disk and the veterinarians said he needed surgery.

Seven days after surgery, Brutus began his rehabilitation at the Hospital, but there was great concern that he might not walk again. During the third week after his operation, however, the person in charge of his rehab said he had turned the corner! By the end of the fourth week, he was walking and minding every command. I brought him home and followed the rehab regimen precisely; we also returned to the UGA VTH for follow-up sessions. Just eight weeks after his injury, the only sign that he had any problem was that his hind legs wobbled a little awkwardly while playing ball. I am very happy I took him to Athens, and I would do it again. Thank you, UGA!

going beyond the expected