Ashutosh Pathak
I am interested in determining how parasite fitness is shaped by interactions with host(s) and environment. Questions that motivate my research include: 1) How do biotic and abiotic factors regulate dynamics of parasite populations within and between hosts? 2) To what extent do parasites and their hosts vary naturally in […]
Carmen Herrera
Throughout my professional career, my main research goal has been to contribute significantly in the field of microbial sciences concentrating on the study of pathogenic bacteria. The Trent Lab is interested in uncovering the molecular mechanisms required for assembly and maintenance of membranes in Gram-negative bacteria. Working as member of […]
Yuan Lin
I have been investigating virus-host interactions, focusing on the roles of host proteins in regulating virus replication.
Demba Sarr
I grew up and experienced several severe malaria episodes. I decided to dedicate my life to infectious diseases especially malaria. After my 4 years of college in biology, I applied to graduate school and spent 3 years at the French Institute of Research and Development located in Dakar. I diagnosed […]
Russell Karls
Dr. Karls is a Senior Research Scientist in the Infectious Diseases Department at the University of Georgia. He received undergraduate degrees in Biochemistry and Bacteriology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He earned his doctorate in Bacteriology from UW-Madison applying biochemistry and molecular genetics to study transcriptional control of bacterial photosynthesis. […]
Leslie P. Jones
My research interests include the development of novel antiviral therapeutic agents, as well as the re-purposing of existing therapies applied to counter viral infection. Host cells, triggered by virus infection, induce multiple anti-viral and pro-viral pathways utilized, suppressed or evaded by viruses presenting potential druggable host targets. Our lab studies […]
Tuhina Gupta
Dr. Tuhina Gupta is an immunologist and a bacteriologist, with expertise in mycobacterial diseases. She joined the University of Georgia in 2007 and works with Dr. Frederick Quinn on multiple projects. Her research focuses on developing animal models of mycobacterial pathology, meningitis, latency, and transmission, testing novel methods for TB […]
Jamie Barber
Jamie Barber received an undergraduate degree from a small liberal arts honors college in Maryland and began his professional career at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine’s Oncology Center in the Bone Marrow Transplant Research Unit. After completing a masters degree in Environmental Science with a focus on Toxicology, […]